Responsibility, Reverence, and Reciprocity: The Life and Work of Barry Lopez


  • Garrett Allen Dewbre Texas Tech University College of Arts and Sciences/Honors College


The writer Barry Lopez beleives responsiblity, reverence, and reciprocity are key elements in a successfful civil society - a society that functions at the local level to acheive justice and sustainability. In this essay, I explore these three themes, as well as Lopez's thoughts on civilization and politics, and how his ideas helped me reflect on my role as a citizen in a civil society.

Author Biography

  • Garrett Allen Dewbre, Texas Tech University College of Arts and Sciences/Honors College

    Senior undergraduate student studying biology and chemistry at Texas Tech University.


Lopez, Barry. Outside, Stories by Barry Lopez. San Antonio: Trinity University Press, 2014.Print.

Tydeman, William. Conversations with Barry Lopez: Walking the Path of Imagination. Norman, Oklahoma: University of Oklahoma Press, 2013. Print.

Lopez, Barry. Barry Lopez and Edward O. Wilson Dialogue. Southwest Collection/Special Collections Library, Lubbock, Texas. The Sowell Family Collection in Literature, Community, and the Natural World. Audio.






Memoir/Personal Essay